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    Entries in baby (3)


    Rubies for baby Ruby...and Catherine, too.

    I've been busy this weekend! Putting together lots of pretties for my home party on Tuesday and the boutique in October. But, by far my faves are the personalized stationery I did for a couple of baby gifts for our friend's and family's new arrivals. Ruby-inspired, our friend and neighbor's 5th child arrived just over a week ago. So, we had to pick up this pomegranate metallic scalloped paper for her and of course embellish with RUBIES for Ruby! And sweet Catherine is our cousin's new baby and she just had to have the same. I love how they turned out. I will be offering this style for custom order coming soon, so email me if you're interested!


    I love John Denver...still.

    OK, so if you know me well at all, you know I'm a huge fan of John Denver's song, "For Baby." Especially on those occaisions where you need a good cry about your kiddos growing up too fast. So, on such a day...after a long first week back at school, voila! A new version of For Baby art. I'm considering adding it to the new blog shop (coming soon!) but as an "unframed" print? Or maybe a framed option as well?


    Ethan the Great!

    I'm sort of a minimalist when it comes to photo editing. It is sort of like hairspray -- a teeny tiny amount goes a long way. But, tonight I started playing in photoshop, and well, I am guessing I crossed the line from a spritz to a sticky mess. So, here it is. What do you think?