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    hello, love.

    So, I've been playing with some new peices lately. There's a new boutique in the neighborhood and I'm thinking about maybe, just maybe putting some prints, stationery, etc. there. So, I am gathering up some work and would love a critique!


    Very thirsty sunflowers

    Well, my photoshoot from yesterday was a bit of a bust. We went to the Sunflower Arts Festival in DeSoto, Kansas hoping for some nice prairie shots and some good sunflowers to shoot, and alas...

    our 100+ degree heat has for sure taken its toll. And for more than just the sunflowers. And this poor shot just broke my heart. We packed up the camera and strolled through the art tents and had a nice day in the city after that. It is too bad that even a hearty Kansas flower can't survive the kind of summer we've been having. I hope the rest of it goes quickly. I am normally a big fan of summertime but this one does seem a bit cruel. Mother nature not at her best fore sure...


    My new most favorite thing...

    Well, I probably shouldn't say new. Because I've always LOVED calligraphy. I can't tell you how many of those hideous blunt pens with the built-in ink cartridges I've had over the years...oh. my. And that old-school lettering, that looked like it was done by a guy in tights wearing a hat with a feather coming out of it, and he just plucked the feather right out and dipped it and started writing some sort of proclimation with an old English accent, right? Wrong. Not anymore! Have you seen the drool-worthy calligraphy online these days?

    Plurabelle CalligraphyThere are so many, but here are just a few. I love the colors, the styling, and the variety that can be achieved using a pointed pen. So, I actually stumbled upon an amazing calligrapher offering an online class and I've been doing a little practicing, and voila! With the help of the amazing Melissa Esplin, from I Still Love Calligraphy, I've been able to get a little bit of of my own lettered style going. Now, it of course would never compare to Melissa's's a little saying she penned. These are the types of projects I look forward to doing more of, as I am such a sucker for happy little sayings, ya know?

    Melissa EsplinSo, I feel super lucky to have gotten personalized feeback from Melissa and have been doing lots of practicing...I have a black ink spot on the inside on my middle finger all the time now! But, it has been too much fun. I lettered my new banner up top! I hope to have more sneak peeks to show soon.



    Best Barn

    I found this barn this morning only about 50 blocks from home. Now, that's one great advantage to living on the edge of the raspberry prairie. I shot it sort of knowing it "needed" something. I was just a bit too late in the morning for really awesome lighting, but I was able to crop a peice out of it that was interesting enough to create my new banner. I love the different textures: stone, wood, rusted tin, the hole in the roof. The little electric outlet on the front is sort of bothering me. And I don't love the tree barely peeking over. The designer in me wants the tree to tower above the tin roof, or be gone completely.

    A random favorite from this shoot was the fence post:

    I decided what works here (besides the obvious narrow depth of field, which I do love), is my use of the 3x3 grid -- or 1/3 & 2/3 composition. However you think of it, I've just stumbled upon something interesting. I am kind of laughing my favorite shoot from the morning is a fence post, but hey, what can you do? I have a feeling I'll be revisiting this spot soon. Maybe even sunset tonight? I've got the itch now, for sure.


    Ethan the Great!

    I'm sort of a minimalist when it comes to photo editing. It is sort of like hairspray -- a teeny tiny amount goes a long way. But, tonight I started playing in photoshop, and well, I am guessing I crossed the line from a spritz to a sticky mess. So, here it is. What do you think?